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Writer's pictureMeagan Friedman

Open for submissions!*

Time to get excited... Quills and Cosmos is officially open for submissions! Bit of a story to that, so we'll get right on it... after a little celebration graphic!*2

Okay, now on to the details. We're using the fab Duotrope submissions site, Duosuma, for our submission process.

This is a great option, and we're glad to have it. It is not, however, a free option. But the cost is so low as to be practically negligible, so we'll work with it. Duosuma just updated their pricing model, so the cost is 6¢ a submission. You can cap your monthly submissions (or your submissions per project, or submission call), so you only spend what is acceptable. Oh, and first month is free right now! They do classify your account as "fledgling" if you've been in business less than 6 months and/or haven't published anything. This is better than our Plan A was though.

Our original thought was to use the free Query Manager system for submissions. Come to find out that while they are free to use,*3 you have to have two publications to show for your business before they'll let you have an account. And as we are brand spankin' new*4, we don't have that. Depending how well Duosuma works out, we may revisit this decision later.

For now, let's jump to exactly what we want, submissions wise.*5

  1. Works by women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and other minorities. We know it's awkward to do, but please include your status in your cover letter. (Please don't lie- we'll find out later, and we won't give you a contract, even if we love your book.)

  2. Science fiction or fantasy novels, from 75,000 words to 120,000 words. If you're below this, you likely haven't done enough world-building (sci-fi/fantasy needs a lot!), and we're probably going to ask you to beef it up a bit, if we read it at all. If you're over the 120K... we believe it's easier to cut down than to add, so we might work with you. But seriously, if it's over 150K for a debut, you need to cut it down.

  3. We want the first 3 chapters of your novel. If you have a prologue, that's your first chapter. (If you don't think it's necessary for us, and would rather start with the actual chapters, then reconsider why you need the prologue in the first place.)

  4. Query letter. We want to hear a brief blurb here. Give us your best back cover copy. Make us want to read your chapters. Cover letter should also include the author's brief bio. Let us know who you are, where you come from, what your day job is. Also clue us in why you wrote this book- what inspired it, what special knowledge you have that makes the book interesting. (Writing a book about a crime solving veterinarian, and you've been a vet for 5 years? Share that!) Also tell us how many words your novel is. If you've had any professional editing done to it, alpha/beta readers, critique groups- let us know that too. Note: Have someone besides your parents read the novel and give you feedback. Someone who doesn't love you. Your novel will be better for it.

  5. Synopsis. We know. Devil's work. Do it anyway. And a synopsis includes giving away the twist, and the ending. (We personally don't read the synopsis until after we've read the first three chapters. If you hook us with your beginning, we want to know where it's going before we request the full. Yes, spoilers. Do it. If you leave something major out, we'll be annoyed. Try not to annoy the acquisitions editors)

Wow, really left all my normal asterisk asides right in the text there, didn't I? Wanted everything to be super clear though. There should be no excuse for not reading the submission guidelines. And if I've forgotten something major,*6 leave a comment below and let me know. We're all friends here, don't be shy!*7

Last note for today- We're on Threads (@quillsandcosmos, naturally), and actually getting some followers. (50 overnight!) So we might be putting a bit of special attention there, going forward. We know that in the vacuum of Twitter being... well, unfriendly... everyone's looking for something to take its place. We like Threads. It's got a good vibe, and we're finding lots of bookish people there to love. Plus, their algorithm seems to work rather well. Our corner of the app is full of inclusivity, celebrating wins (big and small), and loving books. Overall, a very positive experience.

Oops, didn't mean to cover two topics here today. There's just so much to talk about! Will try to refrain from posting again until Wednesday, at the earliest.*8

Ta for now!

*1- Yes, our titles may always have dramatic punctuation. We're that extra. (jump back)

*2- Extra? Yes. (jump back)

*3- No, I don't know how they make that work. QueryTracker is free to use too. (jump back)

*4- Where did I get that phrase?? (jump back)

*5- I know that's what half of you are here to learn. And the other half are my parents. Hi mom & dad! (jump back)

*6- or piddly, but important (jump back)

*7- but do be kind. People are on both sides of the computer, remember. (jump back)

*8- UnlessSomethingSuperAmazingHappens,ThenI'llAskForForgivenessAndPostAnyway (jump back)

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